Saturday, December 13, 2008

Deciding on F&E or package tours

I have originally intended to chronicles my research before my trip, however time just ticked by. Here i'm, back from my trip with no posts. Shall try to recollect as much as possible...

I shall start from the planning process and record down as clear as possible the steps and costs involved:

1. Thinking about WHERE and WHOM to go with?

That's a pretty standard question but we are talking about the vast continent of Europe here. We have limited time but endless choices of places to go, so we have to keep a cool head and choose with care.

The company for the trip is important as well, you have to take into consideration the interest of each individual and come to a consensus about the location.

2. Tour Packages or Free & Easy?

Both choices have its pros and cons.

Tour Packages' Pros

  • Most of the meals are inclusive, save you trouble on searching for places to think

  • You don't have to lug your luggage around, as you will be "transported" in a coach.

  • There's a tour guide on hand to relay information on the attractions you are visiting

Tour Packages' Cons

  • For lazybums, this is a real minus point as you have to wake up real early like 6 to 7am.

  • The itinerary can be very rushed and you may not be able to spend more time in places you like.

F& E Pros

  • You get to plan your own itinerary, where exactly you want to go, how long you intend to stay at one place, what you want to eat, etc!

F&E Cons

  • It can be tiring lugging your luggage all over the local transport from one point to another point. The most horrifying thing that has happened - endless stairs for you to lug up or down your luggage!

  • Planning planning planning! You need to plan everything from where to go, where to stay, where to visit and book all the flights, international, domestic etc.

My word of advice:

If your intention is to squeeze in as many sights as possible, then please go for the tour package.

if you want to stay and experience the culture and meet more people, go for free & easy.

End of the day, you decide....

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